Classic Cheese Box

“Wonderful cheeses, the quality is second to none!” These traditional cheeses, hand-picked by our experts, are the very best in their class – definitely 5 out of 5! Presented…

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  • Description

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    “Wonderful cheeses, the quality is second to none!”

    These traditional cheeses, hand-picked by our experts, are the very best in their class – definitely 5 out of 5! Presented in a wooden box that’s worth keeping.

    Tunworth 250g
    Ashlynn 200g
    Rutland Red 250g
    Montgomery’s Farmhouse Cheddar 250g
    Cropwell Bishop Stilton 250g

    Serve with Seeded Crackers or Mel Bagel Toasts with Date, Apple & Ginger Chutney .

  • Ingredients

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    Tunworth: Pasteurised Cow’s MILK, Starter Culture, Animal Rennet, Salt, Penicillum Candidum, Calcium Chloride

    Ashlynn: Pasteurised Goat’s MILK, Salt, Vegetarian Rennet, Ash, Culture

    Rutland Red: Pasteurised Cow’s MILK, Salt, Colour [Annatto E160b], Starter Cultures, Microbial Rennet

    Montgomery’s Farmhouse Cheddar: Unpasteurised Cow’s MILK, Starter Bacteria, Animal Rennet, Salt Lard used for sticking the cloth to the cheese

    Cropwell Bishop Stilton: Pasteurised Cow’s MILK, Salt, Microbial Rennet, Starter Culture, Mould Cultures (Penicillium Roqueforti)

    See allergens in bold capitals

  • Storage & shelf life information

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    Will stay fresh for at least 10 days unopened

    Not suitable for Home freezing